Crimes happens everywhere. The Association is diligent about keeping residents aware of criminal activity that has occurred in and around the Ivy Hills neighborhood. Our primary means of communicating time-sensitive Crime Watch information is via our Mail Chimp e-mail distribution list, you can sign up for the list below. We will also occasionally print Crime Watch activity in our semi-annual Newsletters. Please be conscious of suspicious activity in the neighborhood and call 911 if you suspect criminal activity. Neighbors looking out for one another is the most effective way to prevent crime in Ivy Hills.
The Ivy Hills Crime Watch program is very important for the safety and continuity of the neighborhood. As with any other volunteer organization, the strength of the group is a result of the dedication and commitment of those who participate. We need all residents involved. If you are interested in volunteering to help with this or any other activity, please go to our VOLUNTEER page.
The Ivy Hills Crime Watch program is very important for the safety and continuity of the neighborhood. As with any other volunteer organization, the strength of the group is a result of the dedication and commitment of those who participate. We need all residents involved. If you are interested in volunteering to help with this or any other activity, please go to our VOLUNTEER page.
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A 911 representative came to a past Ivy Hills Board meeting. She discussed how we all should call 911 and report ANY suspicious activity (no matter how incidental it may seem) i.e. if it's just a strange car driving around the neighborhood. Let the Police Department decide how much weight to give to the situation and to do the follow up. We were encouraged not to follow suspicious people or in any way take the law into our own hands. Calls can be made anonymously. Please read the handout below.
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